Our top ten team building exercises

You have recruited the individual members of your team. You have set your goal. You have developed a plan and a timeline. Now the trick is to get all those unique individuals working together toward the same goal. Given the varied personalities, communication skills, and personal agendas that individual members bring to the team, getting your team to work cooperatively […]

Make Your Own Rocky Horror Columbia Costume This Halloween

Rocky Horror Picture Show is definitely one of my all-time guilty pleasures, and it will also be the inspiration for my Halloween costume this year! For my current RHPS costume, Halloween or not, I have chosen to dress up as Columbia (Little Nell). Since I already have the right hair length, that would be partly pretty simple (hello hair dye, […]

Kinect against movement

Motion Gaming, we’ve all done it, we all enjoy it, but is it here to stay? Is it the New Black? I enjoy playing games on my Wii, there were a few firsts. I picked up the console at 12:01am on launch morning, my girlfriend and I played WiiSports Tennis until 5am, went to bed and both woke up with […]

How to get a handsome boyfriend? – 5 ways to be the envy of many!

Well, who can blame us girls when we start wanting to be with a hot boyfriend? Of course, it’s every girl’s dream come true and it’s even better if we have the power to attract all the handsome guys and make them all attracted and tempted by you. So the big question is: how to get a handsome boyfriend? Of […]

How to write a column about a personal experience

I once read a column in my local paper about the experience of a person adopting a kitten. The theme of the column seemed to be that it was difficult to get exactly the kitten you wanted due to what the columnist argued was the lack of unwanted kittens in our province, British Columbia. The columnist ended up buying her […]

Which Crypto to Buy Today For Long-Term

Buy Today For Long-Term There are many different types of cryptocurrency, and it can be difficult to choose which to buy today. Fortunately, there are some great resources available to help you decide which coins to buy for the long-term. You can start investing in cryptocurrencies today. Here are some of the best options for you: XRP, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, […]

Dos and Don’ts of Software Localization

Given the constant competitive pressure on software companies to accelerate to market demands, many developers are working under tight deadlines to deliver working software. This software is often designed for localization once the source language version is ready for release. Given these pressures, developers must ensure that basic internationalization principles are followed when developing software to facilitate smooth localization efforts […]

5 benefits of using a cloud server

There are things in life that you can’t replace, like your child’s first painting or family photos. All these things are special and irreplaceable. But sometimes, we end up losing these things in accidents. Today, we store our beautiful memories in the form of images on our computers. However, the sad fact is that our personal machines are not that […]

Modern rustic interiors and furniture

The rustic-modern interior trend is a welcome change from vintage rustic that takes a break from aesthetic concerns. Unfinished rustic beams and brick walls with natural wood or stone floors decorated with antique furniture and natural fabrics. That’s a style I like to explore. Incorporate rustic elements into our homes in an informal and sophisticated way, such as using an […]

A brief history of electric cars

While many people believe that electric cars are a fairly new invention, the electric vehicle, or EV, has been around for nearly two centuries. The first EV dates back to the 1830s. Several different models were built in Europe and America. Various versions were created as batteries were improved. In the late 1880s, the UK and France supported a major […]