Who’s Next (1971)

Despite their artistic appreciation, The Who were never the philosophically astute band that Pete Townshend hoped they would be. ‘Tommy’ (1969), an ambitious rock album that soared to the top of the charts, left its main songwriter hungry for a sequel to the tentatively titled ‘Lifehouse’, but with such a convoluted sci-fi plot. that Townshend might have been left with […]

T-Mobile announces the next MyTouch 3G

T-Mobile will offer and announce a new Android phone in due course to ditch the old G1 smartphone. This T-Mobile myTouch 3G will take over right now. Perhaps, as some of you may be wondering, if you know the HTC Magic in other parts of the world, you also know it as well as the myTouch 3G. This T-Mobile smartphone […]

Marble countertops in the kitchen: to use or not to use, that’s the question

Some of the most beautiful kitchen countertops are created with marble slabs. Classic color combinations and beautiful veins make the stone highly sought after. Traditionally, marble has been widely used in bathrooms and furniture countertops for its delicacy and artistic qualities. Since Greek and Roman times, marble has been known as one of the best options for sculpture and decoration […]

How to create salable e-books that sell like crazy

Everyone on the internet says that if you want to make big profits, you need to develop / create e-books, such as how-to guides and other information products. OK but how? How to create an ebook that really sells Publishing on the Internet has become an industry. Internet publishers, most of them are one or two people who work together […]

5 reasons not having a tuff shed is bad practice

A backyard without a tuff shed is like a house without cabinets, and a home without cabinets is a mess. The average family should use normal activities in their daily home, but they should not be kept within their living space. These things include tools, bikes, sports equipment, and a host of other must-haves. Your typical tuff shed is a […]

Western mystery series, 5 popular writers set in the West

Lately I’ve been hooked by the CJ Box series set in Wyoming, which reads like a modern western. I’m up to the fourth book Trophy hunting, and I still enjoy not only the mystery as it unfolds, but also Box’s ability to describe the West as it really is with rapidly changing weather patterns, streams, canyons, and animals. It does […]

Doggone Divorce Court

Dog lovers will not be surprised to learn that custody of the family dog ​​is frequently a source of contention in separation or divorce. However, they may be surprised to learn that Fido is considered personal property under state law, much like a piano or a favorite piece of jewelry. Many divorcing dog owners disagree with this law and want […]

Reduce sodium by making your own soup

Learning to make soup is not difficult. Try perusing your recipe box, food magazines, or some of your cookbooks, and you will surely come up with plenty of ideas for making homemade soup. The beauty of homemade soup is that you can literally take any basic recipe and modify it based on what ingredients you have on hand. You can […]

Do puppies feel separation anxiety when you leave?

Prevention of puppy separation anxiety can begin before your dog is adopted. Normally, you should wait until your puppy has been fully weaned from the mother. This will normally occur at around two months of age. Your puppy should then begin to have some level of independence from his mother. A puppy that is carried earlier may experience puppy separation […]

PlayStation Mini – Surprising or no ideas?

And although I initially hopped on the HYPE train, now that I’ve slept on it, I’m less and less excited. Disappointing lineup announced so far It is exactly that. Jumping Flash, while groundbreaking at the time (pun intended), has aged poorly and never seems to make the PlayStation Top 20 lists. Wild Arms is a solid RPG that in 1997 […]