How to Create an Online Dating Profile

If you are single, remember that online dating is just one of the options you can make if you hope to meet someone with potential to marry. But be very careful, because not everyone who frequents dating sites has the purest intentions. There is one thing that can play a crucial role in your success in attracting quality matches: your […]

3 things you should always look for in a vacation rental

Traveling away from home can make some people feel anxious because at home, their bed feels a certain way, you know all the TV channels, and everything feels comfortable. Vacation rentals aim to make travelers feel no different about their accommodation. You should be able to see it as a “home away from home”. Better yet, because you are renting […]

Augmented reality will be part of our daily life

Digital reality, which includes augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), will grow to a market of $ 162 billion by 2020, according to IDC. And I personally think augmented reality is going to be the winner in this market, for a few reasons. First, augmented reality does not require the user to wear a large, clunky headset. Nobody wants […]