The Jarvis method, good story structure, and StoryCraft

As a fiction writer, I found that one of the hardest parts of creating a story is not in the writing process, it is finding the best structure to tell the story. Most movie scripts use the three-act structure, sometimes adding a prologue and an epilogue that essentially makes it a five-act structure in the storytelling process. But there is […]

Quick way to prevent children from complaining

This strategy was named Bored Hugs by New Zealand family therapist Diane Levy. It is very simple to implement but has almost magical results when used correctly. During Boring Cuddles, parents say nothing and do very little. Parents do not make shushing noises or provide information or point out alternative activities, they do not try to distract the child from […]

Dragon Age – Origins, Gem Among Gems from Bioware, the role-playing game of 2009

Format: Xbox 360, PC Style: Third Person RPG / RTS Modes: single player campaign only Pros: Impressive graphics, epic story, gripping gameplay, top-notch voice acting, good combat, great fun. Cons: Difficulty pulling hair out at some points. Introduction Baldur’s Gate, Mass Effect, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. A company that puts all its heart and soul in its […]

How many calories do I burn in a day? How to calculate and increase it!

When you decide on your weight loss battle plan, you usually start with the first question: “How many calories am I burning in a day right now? If it’s a lot, then I’m not going to work that hard. If it’s nothing to start with. , then I’ll give up now while I still have some dignity. “ Ok, that’s […]

Legal Nurse Consultant Jobs: The Beginner’s Guide

If you are a registered nurse with several years of experience, you can get training as a certified specialized legal nurse consultant (CLNC) to secure legal nurse consultant jobs. US attorneys and attorneys are always on the lookout for this particular type of nurse with enough experience to advise them in many medical and pharmaceutical oriented cases. In fact, this […]

To detox or not to detox

One of the latest trends in health is Detox Cleanse. They claim to detoxify your body by flushing out toxins, while giving you more energy, making you feel less bloated, and helping to regulate your bowel movement. So why the controversy? Some detox cleanses suggest fasting while cleansing. Which is basically another way to starve yourself to lose weight. Starving […]