What is a USPS Postal Qualified Wholesaler (PQW)?

What is a USPS Postal Qualified Wholesaler (PQW)? What should I look for in a USPS PQW? How can I locate a USPS PQW? These are just some of the questions I hear daily from companies in the United States and I will cover these aspects in this article. A USPS Mail Qualified Wholesaler (PQW) is a distinction given to […]

How to choose a kitchen island: alternatives for small spaces

There is demand for kitchen islands. More than 80 percent of homeowners say they want an island in a home they are buying or when undergoing a kitchen renovation. A kitchen island creates more counter space and more storage space. It also helps maintain an open floor plan, allowing people to move easily around the room. What do you do […]

Trademark protection in cyberspace

Facebook has more than 350 million users, Twitter has 32.1 million, and MySpace attracts more than 115 million to its site each month. The number of people using social media makes trademark infringement and brand confusion as easy as creating a username and password. In Dallas alone, where we are located, more than 700,000 businesses in the area have a […]