Do I need an LLC for my rental property?

LLCs and real estate seem to go hand in hand these days. Anyone you talk to who ventures into real estate investing understands the need for liability protection, but may not understand the proper way to protect yourself. Your broker may have told you that an umbrella policy will work, but I have a different opinion. Using an entity to […]

7 tips on how to choose the right humidifier

If you experience physical or health-related symptoms caused by dry indoor air, it is likely that there is low humidity indoors and a humidifier is required. Humidifiers can soothe problems like dry skin, itchy eyes, sore throats, or sinus complications. Before investing in a humidifier, there are two things consumers should consider first: a) the size of the room their […]

Super Bowl Cards

When you think about air travel, you have two options. You can fly commercially or you can charter a plane to get you where you want to be. They both take you to your destination, but have a very different view of air travel. If you’re traveling on business, chartering a jet can allow you to hold meetings and work […]