TV Critics Reviews "Heroes of Higglytown"

As the aunt of a preschooler and aspiring voice actress (I knew all those hours of watching Bugs Bunny would come in handy), I know every kid’s show, as well as every kid’s DVD out there. In my opinion, there is no better way for celebrities to win back their outrageous salaries than to entertain and sometimes educate children. And […]

Facebook keeps crashing my PC! How to fix this problem forever

Facebook may keep crashing your system for all kinds of reasons, including the likes of your PC’s web browser not working properly, your system has some kind of error with its settings, and Windows is out of date. If you are experiencing errors with the Facebook website on your PC, you should be able to repair any of the potential […]

Marketing and Marketing Communications for Small and Medium Businesses: Important Forecasts for 2017

2016 ended with Americans exhausted by emotionally harrowing politics, stories of foreign entanglements and violence at home. Companies have also struggled with modest economic growth and a turbulent stock market. As we begin 2017, everyone – consumers and organizations alike – faces uncertainty in a variety of areas. Against this backdrop, companies have yet to develop, plan and execute strategies […]

Old style, new style: Richmond Stoves 900DFT and Stoves Sterling 900DFT Cooktop

Stoves knows what it does when it comes to electric range design. Point for point, the sterling 900DFT range range cooktops and the Richmond 900DFT range range range range are nearly identical. They share the programming functionality, have the same general internal capacity and the same number of boards. But they seem to come from two different worlds. Stoves almost […]

CSR Classics – Fun, Addictive, and (Mostly) Free

NaturalMotion’s CSR Classics (iOS and Android) is a surprisingly addictive drag racing game brought to you by the same people who made great achievements with CSR Racing years before. I tried the original CSR Racing game many moons ago, but never stuck with it, mainly because, I think, collecting and racing the cars offered to the user did not interest […]

5 reasons why content marketing is important to building your brand

The expression “Content is king” is an absolute truth. It seems like there’s a shiny new object every week to drift off, but content marketing is still the most powerful technique for building an audience and generating leads. In this short article, I will give you 5 of the top reasons why you need to do content marketing as a […]

We’re "Sitting" Ourselves to death?

A new study has appeared in the American Journal of Epidemiology that concludes that free time spent sitting can shorten our lives. This study joins a multitude of other similar studies that have concluded the same thing: sitting on the couch watching television or in front of a computer for hours on end will have devastating effects on our health […]

Five strategies that will inspire your students to learn in a virtual classroom

The shift to e-learning that occurred in 2020 may have changed higher education in profound ways, even after the crisis that caused the transition is finally resolved. Students who have never taken an online class now find that they can learn this way. However, many educators who have never taught in this environment understand that teaching online is no easier […]

Weight loss and CLA side effects

Does Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Have Negative Side Effects? Does it work for weight loss? CLA has been sold for many years as a fat loss supplement based on the weight loss and changes in body composition (i.e., losing fat and gaining muscle) seen in studies with mice and rats. Does it work in humans? More recent research in humans […]

How to sexually tease your girlfriend discreetly in public

Touch your leg under the table, especially the inner thigh. But don’t move your hand towards your genitals. Just gently rub the inner thigh for a few minutes and remove your hand. This will drive her crazy. Whispering dirty thoughts to her: “I was looking at you when you were there, you look so sexy” or “I can’t wait to […]